Thursday, May 31, 2012

What We're Reading

I'm an avid reader, so I thought it would be fun to start a "What We're Reading" segment to pass along any great books that me or the kids love. What I read ranges from the classics to the junk-food type Young Adult novels like Twilight (Oh yes, I'm on team Edward!). Luckily, Brandon seems to have inherited this love for reading and I find him multiple times during the day sitting quietly in a pile of books while he "reads" his favorite of the moment.

I've been a part of a book club for over two years now. Every other month one member picks a book and a restaurant for that session. Most of the group is more concerned about the booze at said meeting than the book, but hey, it gives us gals a great reason to get together without the men!

This time our book is the ever-so-popular Fifty Shades of Grey. Since I still have a newborn and am not really in the mood for anything too serious, this was right up my alley. In fact, I immediately bought the other two books in the series after I had finished the first. I am admittedly a series fanatic - I usually HAVE to find out how a story ends, even if I don't find it all that interesting. In the case of the Fifty series, the first book ended up being my least favorite of the three, so I'm glad I continued.

Since everyone and their brother has read these books, I won't go into much detail. Let's just say these are not the kind of books you want to pass along to your teenage daughter. I found myself blushing and feeling a little put-off with a good amount of the content (especially in the first book). It deals with all kinds of dominatrix and kinky sexual encounters that are intertwined into a growing love story. The love story takes over the storyline in the 2nd and 3rd books, which is why I enjoyed them more. 

If you decide to read them, I would definitely make sure you have a bottle of wine and your significant other to keep you company - you will need them both! ;)

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